A composite image made up of various photographs taken by me to create a new uncluttered slightly surreal landscape, generally somewhere you wouldn't expect to find it, an ‘un-scene’ if you like. Elements are selected for similar lighting, street furniture and clutter removed in Photoshop, and toned to blend in with their new environments. Most images belong to a 3 part themed series, have a white border and include a certificate which tells the story and inspiration behind each image.
Each print has a digital signature bottom corner of the image and a white border for framing.
"Red Foundations"
Step away from the CBD of Cairns into the nearby streets amongst homes and small industry to discover some lesser-known pieces of history: ornate architecture, corrugated sheds from near the ports, and graffiti embellished walls, shop and alleyways from a more modern time.
St Monica’s Cathedral, Abbott St
Travellers Castle, Lake St
Real estate and old ambulance buildings, corner of Aplin and Grafton Sts,
Showground Entrance, Mulgrave Rd,
Presbyterian Church, Sheridan St