Welcome to my “Un-Scenes” gallery.
My aim:
Removing an element from its usual settings and placing it in an unexpected new environment, realistically, but presenting a situation of surrealism and quirkiness, so the viewer understands that it’s not possible to photograph this scene – it’s an un-scene if you like.
Most subjects are retro architecture, my favourite, and removing street furniture and modern distractions, and “retiring” them into a new environment, we see them with fresh eyes and a new appreciation.
Initially, during the pandemic, these scenes had a post-apocalyptic/dystopian theme, with inspiration coming from movies such as Mad Max, Blade Runner, The Mandalorian, Waterworld. More recently, the rustic hues of regional Australia have been my main source of inspiration.
All elements used in these creations I have tracked down and photographed over the years, building up a huge library of images to draw from. Selling these creations through Bluethumb enables me to continue projects to find these hidden gems of our past and preserve them forever in their new homes.
Thanks for stopping by!