Shi Wah Tse’ s brightly coloured abstract paintings explore contemporary notions about the act and art of painting. The proliferation of ‘instagram-worthy’, digital, performance and installation art, and notions of ‘the death of painting’ has led Shi Wah to question; ‘Is abstract painting still a relevant and engaging art form in today’s contemporary framework?’
In the past, Shi Wah has dabbled with different mediums such as photography, film and installation art, but invariably was drawn back to abstract painting.

Even though Shi Wah chooses to concentrate on abstract painting, she feels that this art form doesn’t seem to be ‘in vogue’ in light of the many technological developments and mediums available.
This has led her to question: Is abstract painting still a relevant and engaging artform in today’s contemporary framework?
Shi Wah’s paintings deal with the notion of contemporary abstraction and its possibilities in light of today’s Postmodern concerns.