I am a creator. I create art. It doesn’t matter what mediums I have on hand; whatever I have, I use to express myself. I have many styles of art, and I detest being boxed in. I am not an abstract artist, an expressionist, a watercolourist; I do not draw, or make marks exclusively. I do all of these things, and I love doing all of these things, because its what I was destined to do.
I do have a few mediums that I prefer, and each has its own draw depending on my mood and needs at the time. When I need a sense of control and meditation, I make cuts in lino and create linoprints; when I’m sad or angry, or highly elated, I use acrylic and mixed media on canvas to express my emotion; when I need focus I work on fine detail in my watercolours; and if I’m stuck creatively I use inks and make marks on paper.
I work at 100%, with all my nerve and fibre to create art, nothing is half assed, and the anxiety, paranoia, and self-talk I overcome to create my art makes it all the more sweet.
I have a natural desire for balance in composition, but I constantly push against that desire to extend my practice in new and exciting ways. The desire for balance stems from a life of imbalance, and while it is generally good for humans to be controlled and to comform, art is a different monster. Art needs imbalance for viewers to ask the questions, to form the opinions, and to create the emotions.
As artists, we all want to believe that our little art practice will change the world of art; that one day, when we’re dead and buried, we’ll be like Van Gogh or Kandisnky. I am no different, and I have illusions of grandeur. Vincent and Vassily have played major roles in my artistic career, and also in my life. Like Vincent, I have a mental illness, but, to be just a little bit crazy helps in the artistic process. It helps to free the mind, to allow new ideas to grow.” Kandinsky, on the other hand, was all about the ‘spiritual’ in art, using colours and shapes to express his ethos. I am what I would consider a spiritualist. I have my own belief system, and my work is an extension of those beliefs, even though my viewers may not see it.