After decades of practising as a family lawyer, both in partnership and my own firm, I hung up my lawyers shingle and all the stresses that brought with it, took a deep breath and plunged into retirement . My part time artist life is now my full time life, converting a spare bedroom into a tiny studio where I happily hit the paint brushes. After taking a 12 month break reconnecting with my adult children living and travelling in Canada I am back in my beautiful hometown Cairns, in tropical Far North Queensland. I'm a late comer to art, falling in love with colour working firstly in acrylics in vibrant saturated colour creating large colourful blooms on a larger canvas and more recently working in oils in a contemporary impressionist style. I really enjoy working with oils 'alla prima' the artistic phrase for 'all in one go' which keeps the work fresh. My artwork reflects both the vibrant tropical blossoms and foliage that surround me and the colours of the great Barrier Reef. Children at play on the beautiful beaches are favourite inspirations , capturing them absorbed and unaware, the viewer is invited to complete the story. Our amazing tropical fish life , replete with vibrant flashing colours is also a favourite inspiration. A magical holiday in Brittany, savouring the charming French way of life , gave me inspiration for
vignettes that made their way onto the canvas. I'm so happy to be back in my little studio where my paintings bring me joy. I want to share a little piece of my heart and soul and that joy with you.