Tanya McAllan, whose ‘tread lightly’ ethos involves sourcing all her art surfaces including skateboards, canvas and ply from verge cleanups, and making her own frames with reclaimed timber Venetian blinds. Tanya’s painterly & textured style incorporates collage and intaglio to capture the mood of the landscape she is drawn to - mostly around Freshwater, or in the rain shadow over the Blue Mountains. The rendering of beloved landscapes by using repurposed art materials is a perfect combination for this earth loving artist. Tanya has won numerous awards in recent years, rewarding her years of sketching whilst working as a graphic designer. At the Royal Art Society she has won the Landscape prize in 2016 and 2018, and the Drawing Prize in 2017. Recently she was selected as a finalist in the Greenway and Waverley Woollahra Art Prize.