I am an Australian artist from a rural property outside Gloucester, NSW. I live in the foothills of the Gloucester Tops which is at the southern end of the heritage Barrington Tops National Park.
My style and subject matter wanders wherever the inspiration takes me. I love vibrant colours and the Australian light is wonderful.
I have had a passion for art all my life. However, as a child I struggled with stick figures, jealous of all the other kids who had no trouble at all. At 11, something clicked and I was, it seemed overnight, able to produce works I was both proud of and that others thought were pretty good. I still have the first painting that my primary school teacher loved. My first praise for art… ever.
As a teenager, I spent a large part of my time in class sketching my schoolmates. I still did quite well at school so I think for some of my subjects I must have absorbed information through osmosis!
For most of my adult life, art has taken a back seat to a few careers, kids, home renovations - you know the story. Mid 2013 (aged 55), I decided that if I didn’t start focusing on my art right now, it may never happen. So I dug out all my old equipment, joined Gloucester Art Society, and started painting.
I held my first exhibition in the Gloucester Gallery in February 2015 - ‘Tracey’s Colour My World’. My idea was to fill the gallery with colour and it worked. This exhibition was a great success exceeding my wildest dreams. It also reconnected me with that wonderful primary school teacher. Since I began painting steadily, I started to dream paintings, complete with titles. A number of these featured in my second ‘Tracey’s Dream Exhibition’. With paintings steadily selling, I have achieved finally achieved my childhood dream of being an artist. I hope you enjoy my art.