This painting is a topographic rendering of rock holes surrounding Lake Christopher, a large and usually-dry lakebed in the remote Rawlinson Ranges of the Ngaanyatjarra lands, WA. While the lake only fills with water aτ
er big rains, these rockholes have kapi (water) in them even in the dry season. These rockholes are surrounded by tali (sandhills) and bush flowers and plants.
Winsome visited this lake with her father and uncle growing up, camping out at Karrku (a nearby outstation) to see, walk and learn about Country. Lake Christopher is an intermittent lake which only fills with water after big rain; Winsome remembers seeing the lake after big rains and hearing stories about old people hiding around the lake in the early days. Winsome still likes to visit this country whenever she can, last camping there in 2020.