About Artist:
Zhu Ye(朱烨), a young painter from JiangSu, Yang Zhou, has been studying painting and calligraphy with the famous painter Sun LongFu(孙龙父) since he was a child. He eventually entered the Nanjing University of the Arts, pursuing further education in Chinese Painting, under the guidance of Zhu DaoPing(朱道平) and Fang Jun(方骏). His works ended up on multiple galleries and display across the nation, many of which are prized cultural pieces for collectors and national departments alike.
朱烨,江苏扬州人,青年画家。自幼跟随著名画家孙龙父学习书画,后考入南京艺术学院攻读中国画。这期间受教于方骏 张友宪 朱道平 薛亮等名师并得到朱道平及方骏两位老师精心指导。作品先后在扬州 南京 广州 哈尔滨等地举办个人画展及同道联展,其作品被多家艺术收藏机构和国家相关文化部门收藏和各专业报刊及杂志电台作专题介绍。
《溪山清晓》“新时代新风苑” 全国中国画邀请展