Artist's Background:
Prior to living in Sydney, Artem traveled and lived in Europe and in the USA. His artworks are held in collections based in Australia‚ USA, Europe, the UK, Russia‚ Hong Kong, and Singapore. Artem's artworks have been in exhibitions held in Europe‚ the USA and Australia.
"My passion for life, nature, and its beauty is encapsulated in my artworks. Art is emancipation for an artist, enabling one to freely express themselves surpassing the physical and uplifting them to the realm of the limitless imagination, idealistic views, and hope, the array of abundant colours. Art has been a vehicle for me to share my individuality and my world with others. Nothing is more rewarding than to see the joy my artworks bring to a client and how it uplifts their space whether at home, work or business... I'm am on an endless journey of discovery and I'm glad that I can share it with many others." - Artem Bryl.
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