Italy is my home. I was born near Rome, since I was a child I always liked to draw, especially to paint.
I found my soul here in Australia, I've been living here for almost 4 years now.
My art is abstract, I paint my soul, my feelings, my passions.
I studied languages and literature, I'm amazed about this world, in all its aspect: our history, our cultures, our traditions.
Past painters are important to me, they inspire me to do always the best, because art is what we are, it's not just an hobby.
My biggest inspiration is Magritte and his way to express Surrealism; Dali, Picasso, Modigliani, Van Gogh...
My last trip in Europe was based on art, I traveled many different cities, from London, to Berlin, Amsterdam and then south to Barcellona and Madrid; my home: Rome. I traveled Europe to see my favorite paintings for real and study them.
Check out more about me on my website