As a 6x finalist of the Stencil Art Prize in Sydney, Drahtfunk(David Turner) has managed to craft the world of stenciling in his favour. Managing a large array of different styles, Mr Turner for this series has focused on the manipulation of a style that came from experimentation. A very easy technique, but when repeated over and over again, the work starts to become something else. The colours start overlap and blend, then the movement arund the work begins to take shape. Combining around 12 different aerosol colours in the latest Nebulous Series, the works are of significant size and enormity. When the colours are combined, you are left with an enormous atmosphereic and very immersive artwork that radiates an impressionistic element. The stars are then placed via pointelism and meticulous manner. The end result, is this clash and wave of bright colours upon a canvas. A sense of harmony and spirituality can be felt throughout all 4 pieces.