How to Drive Traffic to Your Profile and Get Noticed by Our Curators

Aside from producing fantastic art on a regular basis, there’s a few things that you can do to get noticed (and featured) by our curators. Essentially, we’re talking about driving traffic to your profile from other platforms. The more action your profile sees, the more visible it will be in sections such as ‘Popular,’ and the more likely we are to see your work and feature it. Providing a link to Bluethumb also means that people can instantly buy your work, no matter where or how they see it.

Utilise Bluethumb as your personal sales assistant

While some artists may already have a shop set up on their website, many choose to sell their work through Bluethumb in order to avoid the business aspects of art sales such as monetary transactions and customer service.

If this is you, you may already be linking to Bluethumb on your own website or social platforms, but if not, now is the perfect time to start. Maintaining a personal website and a social media presence are a great way to increase awareness of your work, however there’s no need to deal with the hassle of sales yourself if you’d rather not, as Bluethumb provides a streamlined service that can handle everything from lay-by payments to courier bookings. As an established and trusted website with hundreds of reviews, it’s also an easy decision for collectors to buy art through us.


Erin has set up her website so that clicking on the artworks opens their Bluethumb listing in a new tab.

Monetise your presence on social media

Just as we suggest you link to Bluethumb on your personal website, you can also do so on Facebook and Instagram. Instagram provides a designated spot for a link in your bio (make sure you mention this in all your captions), whereas business pages on Facebook have an option for a ‘Shop Now’ button.


Setting up a ‘Shop Now’ button is easy! Click here for all our Facebook tips.

It’s also important to include a link to purchase whenever you post a new artwork on your social media. Doing so reminds people that it is indeed for sale and it can be up on their walls in days! Providing a link to your Bluethumb profile when you post an individual artwork also means more traffic to your profile, which is great for both sales and visibility.

Recently, we got a fantastic email from Sally Browne demonstrating the power of social media and giving people an easy means to purchase. Sally had made the above post on Instagram, and it sold shortly afterwards. She sent us the following email that same day:

I just got a sale ‘ping’ from BT. I posted that magpie with a link to it on BT a couple of hours ago and it’s sold! It’s been on BT for weeks but like we keep saying you have to promote yourself too if you want to make sales. Insta is so powerful I love it. It doesn’t work as well when I send to [other websites]: the sales happen on BT!! I’ve been testing over the past couple of weeks.” 


Sally at our art prize a few weeks ago with Bluethumb’s PR and Comms Manager Freddy Grant.

We followed up to Sally to ask her more about her experiences with promoting her artwork, and she explained her thoughts a little further. “Bluethumb sort of ‘closes the deal’ – I post things from time to time and tell people to contact me or go to my other third party sales platform, but it doesn’t work the way it does on Bluethumb. My theory is that it’s all those little details that are built into the Bluethumb website. Not only is there a sense of urgency created by the different sections of the website, such as ‘popular,’ or the fact that you can see who else is looking at an artwork, but people can also get a sense of who you are as an artist by looking at your profile, your bio and what you’ve sold so far. It’s a really good, holistic snapshot. Plus, you guys deal with all the customer service stuff for me. I don’t have to worry about returns or couriers or any of that.”

Sharing your work to social media with a link to Bluethumb is easy. From your Bluethumb profile, you can just use the social media icons at the bottom of the image. This will generate a ‘link preview’ that people can click to instantly access your listing.

Alternatively, if you don’t like the look of the link preview and would prefer a ‘neater’ appearance, you can upload the image of your artwork to Facebook as a jpg or a png file and add a link to your Bluethumb profile.

Get followers and favourites

Other than giving people an instant way to buy your work, one of the most important reasons to link to Bluethumb from your posts on social media and your personal website is that your profile will receive more traffic, and hopefully more favourites and follows. Anyone who has followed you will receive email updates when you upload new work, and the more traffic and action that your profile sees, the more visible it becomes for anyone using the site, including our curators.


Li Zhou links to Bluethumb in her Instagram bio.

Click here for more artist tips, or get in touch via if you have any questions about driving traffic to your profile.

Art collector Freddy Grant in his retro inspired home
Art Collector’s Home: Bluethumb’s PR & Comms Manager


  1. Sandra Messner. says:

    Thank you. I really enjoy the information that you send. Ive yet to sell any paintings . Im am happy with the bluethumb team. Thank you Sandra Messner

  2. Linda Callaghan says:

    Not long joined Bluethumb and delighted to have sold two paintings already. Happy to be a member of this supportive selling platform. Thank you!

  3. Tania Weekes says:

    Thank you Blue Thumb. I just sold my first painting and I’m so excited!!
    Your system is very easy to follow and you have supplied all the info I need to get started. All I have to do is package my artwork ( you even have great instructions on how to best do that) and then book the courier. Thank you so much! I will now put the links on my social media and look forward to my next sale.

    • Freddy Grant says:

      Thank you Tania! Great to know you’re finding all our resources useful. Linking your socials makes a big difference. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, especially on the Just Sold page! 🙂

  4. Frances Phelan says:

    Thankyou for that information, which I needed to help my artistic endeavors.

  5. Brendan Blanchard says:

    As a new member on Bluethumb Art (and a little lost with what to do) this was clear and specific advice. I will try to implement some of the suggestions in the article.

  6. james CONGDON says:

    I sold my first work. Thanks Bluethumb. I finally found a platform to sell my work on.
    I know I will sell heaps more!!

  7. i just sold 3 of my beach prints they are taken from paintings i do . the paintings take 3 months to do so the prints give more people the joy of them. thanks blue thumb mary shackman

  8. Eileen Rigby says:

    I have been an artist on Bluethumb for a relatively short time and have already sold two paintings. I am so happy with the amount of advertising that Bluethumb invests in. The business plan obviously works incredibly well and is so easy to navigate from the uploading to the sales and payment. Many thanks for all you do. Eileen

  9. Elizabeth Mead says:

    Thanks Bluethumb! just sold my first painting “Banksiania” direct with you guys. I received a msg this morning and plenty of information on how to do everything in wrapping and prepping for the courier, I have options which is also great and you keep sending me great advice about adding social media value by talking it all up! Its a fabulous service you offer. Well done.

  10. Thank you. Though I joined bluethumb 8 years ago but due to my frequent travelling I pull out. This month I joined again. Hopefully I can sell. I sold one 8 years ago before I resigned.

  11. Linda A Evans says:

    Thank you BT team for allowing me to join BT again. I did join about 8 years ago, I sold one painting for a short period time. Since I traveled a lot in the past so I took out my name from the list. Now I joined again about 2 months, hoping someone will look for my profile and buy my paintings.

  12. Winny says:

    Thank you very much for the information. I have Joined BT at the end of last year and sold one of my favourite painting early this year. I am very happy for your helpful advice, hope I can sell more through BT in the future. Again Thanks.
    Winny F Michael.

  13. Sanaz says:

    Thanks Bluethumb for your team and for your support I sold one of my art work and I’m so excited happy to be member of this supportive team.
    Thanks 🙏🤍

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