Sumptuous Oils

Still life painting in oils has preoccupied artists for centuries, providing an opportunity to show off masterful rendering skills by capturing in breathtaking detail of the delicate petals of a flower or the gleaming reflection off of a glass goblet. The genre has proven limitless through the ages. This curation features a selection of outstanding works that capture the essence of the rich and luxurious still life paintings of The Old Dutch and Italian Masters (plus a handful of contemporary examples on the same theme that I couldn’t resist including because they are stunning oil paintings). Journey through time with rich pigments and velvety shadows abounding.

Curated by Sally Browne

About the Curator

Sally Browne

Sally Browne is a visual artist from Sydney, best known for her stylised paintings of Australian Flora and Fauna. Sally grew up in the UK where she commenced her formal studies in Art and Surface Pattern Design, before travelling throughout South East Asia and settling in Sydney.
She worked as an art director (branding) for 15 years prior to launching into painting full time in 2015. Her work is held in private and commercial collections in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA, France, Norway and Denmark. Influences: Owen Jones' The Grammar of Ornament, Ukiyo-e, Brett Whiteley, David Hockney and Margaret Preston.
“My work is informed by the wild nature that flourishes in the unkempt gardens and streets of my inner city neighbourhood. I use colour, composition and expressive line to create two dimensional narratives of my surroundings. Our flora and fauna here in Sydney is exotic and unique, and for the moment, still thriving in pockets amongst the hum of the big city backdrop. My current paintings explore the visual language of line and pattern within the Australian landscape, and are influenced by the process and characteristics of Japanese block printing.”

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