An ode to our beautiful city. For many Bluethumb artists, Melbourne is home. These lovingly crafted works pay homage to romantic streets, rambling alleyways and enchanting architecture. Take a walk through this collection and get lost with us.
Curated by Emily Rostron
29.7cm (W) x 40cm (H)
32cm (W) x 32cm (H)
60cm (W) x 60cm (H)
40cm (W) x 40cm (H)
90cm (W) x 30cm (H)
80cm (W) x 39.5cm (H)
50cm (W) x 77cm (H)
90cm (W) x 60cm (H)
75cm (W) x 60cm (H)
35cm (W) x 40cm (H)
100cm (W) x 76cm (H)
62cm (W) x 53cm (H)
About the Curator
Melbourne based, hailing from New Zealand. One of your local baristas. Dabbles in watercolours, classic fiction and occasionally found at parks strumming a ukelele.
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